Jacques & Joe (in Boston) have been doing comedy stuff since 94. Jacques & Biff (LA by way of Toronto/Tokyo) been on hockey team since 96. Yap pop culture and have cool guest - comedians, respected authors, renown scientist & scholars, prominent music folks, tv/film makers and just cool friends.

Monday Jul 31, 2017
Episode #10 - Mooch Ado About Nothing!
Monday Jul 31, 2017
Monday Jul 31, 2017
DOUBLE DIGITS, BABY! Jacques and Joe celebrate this milestone by...talking about politics and sports! Is John McCain a hero? Is Julio Jones an idiot? Is Siri the greatest innovation or a harbinger of human enslavement?
PLUS: The Mooch, crying in football, Random Video Game Review, Defunct Sponsor and MORE!
Closing Song: "Drunk all the Time" by The Rationales: http://www.therationales.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Sideshow #6 - Clowns
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
What's a carnival without a CLOWN?! Jacques and Joe FINALLY speak to a real live clown!
Meet Tracy, aka Funbags the Clown (among others). She brings the desperately-needed funny to the podcast with her tales of Walmart shopping, drive-thru dining, and getting pulled over... all clowned up, of course.
PLUS, clowns in pop culture: Krusty, Shakes, and some bozo whose name escapes us.
Check out Tracy's page: http://aclownstory.blogspot.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Monday Jul 24, 2017
Episode #9 - Panic Room!
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Monday Jul 24, 2017
Jacques and Joe take the show to Jacques’ echoey abode, aka the Panic Room, to talk about all sorts of injustice, least of which being OJ Simpson’s parole!
Also, Sen. Al Franken’s “Boiling the Frog” series, Julian Assange’s (pending) Showtime doc, the ongoing health care battle, and Afghani Sesame Street!
PLUS: Random Video Game Review (by JACQUES!), Netflix/Redbox Pick, Defunct Sponsor, and more!
Closing Song: “Ready to Go” by The Rationales: https://therationales.bandcamp.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Sideshow #5 - Game Show Home Games
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
No Whammies! Big Box!
In this Sideshow, Joe shows off his peculiar collection of game show home games from the '70s and '80s. Games like Family Feud, Password, Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune, The Price is Right, and disturbingly more!
It's a Showcase like none other! Come on down... way down.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Monday Jul 17, 2017
Episode #8 - Literally!
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Monday Jul 17, 2017
Jacques and Joe LITERALLY talk about "Spider-Man: Homecoming," the New England Patriots (because it's only been a week), fighting Trump fatigue, and Sen. Al Franken's book tour!
PLUS: Is This Racist: Conor McGregor Edition, Random Video Game Review, Parenting Tip of the Week, and our new (old) Defunct Sponsor!
Closing Song: "Take a Ride With Me" by The Rationales - http://therationales.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Sideshow #4 - Arcades (Part 2)
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
In Part Two of this epic Sideshow, Jacques and Joe continue their in-depth geeking out with Robert about arcades, including the 1982-84 arcade game show "Starcade," the documentary "King of Kong," Adam Sandler's "Pixels," and these kids today with their modern games compared to the classics, dagnabbit!
PLUS: "Wreck-It Ralph," "The Last Starfighter," "Futurama," the future of arcades, and... a GALAG-OFF?! Joe suggests a Galaga contest between Robert and Jacques for his own amusement! And yours, too. Will they accept the challenge?!
Check out Joe's son's YouTube channel, ChipBoy (formerly GameBoy Advantage): https://www.youtube.com/user/gameboyadvantage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Monday Jul 10, 2017
Episode #7 - The Right Stuff!
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Monday Jul 10, 2017
Oh-oh, oh-oh-oh! Jim returns to the podcast to make Jacques and Joe jealous with his review of the New Kids on the Block concert at Fenway Park!
PLUS: Tom Brady's greatness (what else is new?), Bruins v. the IRS, Trump at the G20 summit, Random Video Game Review, Guess My Rash, Parenting Tip of the Week, Leisure Suit Larry at 30 (or 70), RIP Richie Dunn of the Buffalo Sabres, and more!
Closing Song: "Other Break" by Beyond id: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYb5T4joUCE
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Sideshow #3 - Arcades (Part 1)
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
In Part One of this TWO-PART Sideshow, Jacques and Joe visit their friend Robert and his growing arcade collection!
They talk about Popeye, Galaga, Dragon's Lair, Paperboy, Millipede (#TrackballLife), and some deep cuts like Food Fight and Sea Wolf!
PLUS: Arcades then and now, the current state of arcade collecting, balancing the hobby with family, and a look back at those god-awful arcade-based Saturday morning cartoons (Saturday Supercade)!
Look for Part Two next week!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Monday Jul 03, 2017
Episode #6 - Shall We Play A Game?!
Monday Jul 03, 2017
Monday Jul 03, 2017
This week, Jacques and Joe take the show on the road... to another mancave! Robert is dumb-- er, KIND enough to invite the boys over to look at and discuss his classic arcade collection! Galaga! Donkey Kong Junior! Popeye! Did we mention Galaga?!
Also, boring stuff!! This Week in Awful: Trump's tweets, Trump's fake TIME cover, NRA propaganda!
Plus: Patriots talk (in July!), This Week in Boston Breakers History, Defunct Sponsor, Netflix picks, and MORE!
Closing Song: "Can't Stop" by Dan Cray: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TjDXxd0rf4
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast

Monday Jun 26, 2017
Episode #5 - Jim!
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
This week, Jacques and Joe welcome a new voice to the podcast: long-time friend and co-collaborator Jim! They share their thoughts on the upcoming Mayweather-McGregor fiasc-- er, fight, Ron Howard taking over the reigns of the Han Solo Star Wars movie, their binge-worthy Netflix picks (GLOW), and the New Kids on the Block (NKOTB).
PLUS: Random Video Game Review, Parenting Tips of the Week, this week's Defunct Sponsor, and MORE!
Closing Song: "Big Mistake Factory" by Fivehead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytreh0Yw7Z8
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLp2PyQOZypjdYIoLOobDbA