Jacques & Joe (in Boston) have been doing comedy stuff since 94. Jacques & Biff (LA by way of Toronto/Tokyo) been on hockey team since 96. Yap pop culture and have cool guest - comedians, respected authors, renown scientist & scholars, prominent music folks, tv/film makers and just cool friends.

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Episode 171 - Fire The Audio Guy
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
I wish we could just have a pure yuk fest podcast that’s fun and light … we plan them that way … then a couple sick fcks commit horrific acts of domestic terrorism, GOP committed to raging war on black voters… we lose a couple actors working on some favorite shows … Jacques’ kids teacher resigns over being forced to return to in person teaching BEFORE being vaccinated … add to fact the podcast audio guy SUCKS … ugh. Bad wire has an annoying buzz whole Sorry all.
WE DO talk some fun stuff: Jacques’ 1st quarterly update on his goal set for 2021, and his former responsibilities of handing LA King ticket distribution for our paly John, Biff talks the magic of Tom Lee Jones Japanese TV commercials and upcoming summer Olympics and WILL Jacques go to a theater for Kong v. Godzilla this week? We DID remember to not just talk about a Joe’s Self-Indulgent theater but to edit it in this week! Jacques chats a little Zack Snyder Justice League and Biff chats WNHL playoffs and a hot mic NHL ref boo boo.
Also, follow @DanteTheComic on Twitter who is fun and every night is on front line of showing the awfulness of LAPD towards blacks and homeless.
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: My Bro Zeb’s “Billy”

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Be Selfish - Volunteer! A Chat with Abby!
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
When the world goes sideways (natural disasters, once in a century pandemic made 10x worse by lack of empathy and leadership) … everyday people (metaphorically) put on tights and capes and fly to the rescue. This week’s guest is one of those heroes. Our friend Abby whom helped an AMAZING local charity organization do INCREDIBLE things from the very onset of the March 2020 Covid shut down. LLAMA (Lifting Lowellians: Assistance and Mutual Aid) is the organization Jacques’ families been working with since last April and have again learned that the friends you make, the good you feel … volunteering is one of the most selfish things you can do! Abby’s “day job” in social work and history of advocating for those whose voices aren’t often heard, led us to chat tips on how to get involved, where to find ways to help and how to help direct people to the resources out there. There is almost zero talk of Batman or fart jokes … our apologies.
LLAMA - Lifting Lowellians: Assistance and Mutual Aid https://www.facebook.com/pg/LowellMutualAid/posts/
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast CP: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Jacques Twitter is @TheJacques4
Opening clip from Billy Murray’s Scrooged. Closing Song: To Do List by Dan Cray (off the album 'Best Ever")

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Episode 170: Anniversary Trifecta
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Things come in threes and Biff and Jacques yap 3 anniversaries this week: the 1 Year anniversary of the Covid 19 (two week) lock down, the 10 year anniversary of the Japan Tsunami and the 3rd (arguably most tragic of the anniversaries) the 7year anniversary of management’s wedding to Jacques (that Biff officiated .. so really, it’s ALL his fault!) HEY Good News … turns out America doesn’t have a monopoly on being racist POS and damn it, I DO care about the Oprah interview. WTF is a Ghost Kitchen? The husband of Dr. Jill Biden THANKFULLY got his Covid rescue package past and signed. Mario turns 35, Pre-Photoshop sports cards, Japan crime and non-Japanese Japanese dessert (?), Jacques coaches on how to watch 5 movies in one night, parenting tips and a “Self-Indulgent Theater” of Joe from the CP vaults! All this in ONE hour? NO. but if you play it at 1.5 speed, well under!
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: My Bro Zeb’s “Bizzy’s House” (Mellencamp “Pink House” Parody)

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Sideshow #64 De-Comp Waits For No One
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
This week’s sideshow Biff and Jacques’ guest Matt, has a dead-end job. Yet, there is a lot of stiff competition at his work. You know how sometimes living people become not living people … since his early teens, Matt’s worked in the LEGAL (important to point that out) body removal business. Working at the funeral home his grand-dad started, Matt is the funniest guy to drive a hearse since Michael Keaton in Nightshift. Matt also rocks the mic as a college sports PA announcer and can’t wait to get up on stage doing stand-up post covid. So, stretch out on the embalming table and listen to talk about how stacking caskets is a high stakes game of Jenga!
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
Opening Song: God’s Song (That’s Why I Love Man Kind) Randy Newman
Closing Song: Warm Line by Dan Cray

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Where's My Potato's Penis?
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Jacques finally pays for a live-stream (Patton Oswald) worth the money!
Boys chat it’s GREAT to see FNH pal JT on MSNBC but sadly because he’s representing the family of a guy shot by cops for being black while holding an Ice Tea. Fiercely independent, totally unregulated Texas needs AOC and Beta to put on capes and play superhero, Biff talks bukkake (no really, he does) and from the CP Vault (Ep. 130 2/24/20) Joe’s Self-Indulgent Theater - Emo Phillip’s sings Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air theme. Jacques watching HBO Max’ Lady and the Dale, Netflix’ Nick Cage’s History Of Swear Words and 1967 Cring-tastic Aquaman cartoon as Biff is watching episodes of The Match Game with Betty White from 1974 (good call Biff!). Jacques reveals new weight lost program for himself … put on Oculus headset and get lost in world pretending you're a Jedi and emerge 3 dehydrated days later 20 lbs lighter. Willie O’Ree skates chat in sport, parenting tips and much mush more. Well more … not really much much more.
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
Opening Song: Gomer by Beyond Id
Closing Song: My Bro Zeb’s Cover of Beyond Id’s “It’s Only Life”

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Sideshow # 63 My BESH Friend Pt. 1 of Many
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Video game developer, entrepreneur and overall really nice guy BESH zooms in to drop some knowledge on Biff and Jacques. BESH talks about coding his own DOOM levels on his dads old IBM computer in Jr. High, to the process of putting an entire team of professionals together to produce games, get them to market and make a living. BESH lays out some of the pros and cons of working for a AAA development giants vs being your own boss and controlling your successful career and factoring in a healthy life balance. BESH is ppprrreeetttttyyyyy sure this whole video game “thing” isn’t a fade and will only be growing … we’ll see. Truly CP is hoping BESH will come back MANY times as there is just no way to cover this field in one chat.
Opening Music: Blanco OST by Model CHP3Y
Closing Music: Glass Heart By Model CHP3Y
More amazing music BY Model CHP3Y
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Model_CHP3Y
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ModelCHP3Y
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Ep. # 168 I'm Not A Cat
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Valentine Day tips from CP? No, not really. FINALLY, Harriet Tubman is going on the $20 bill!! Long over due! Big shout out to a real-life hero Hayden. Larry Flint’s health takes a turn for the worst. Biden keeps acting like a President as Florida Man’s 2nd Impeachment trial rolls on. Gina Carano goes out of her way to get fired by Disney (finally). Biff brings us “This Week In Japanese Crime” and teaches us this week’s phrase “今朝毎朝” (This Morning, Every Morning: Keh-Sha My-ess-ah) From the CP vault, Joe’s Self Indulgent Theater – Tommy Boy’s Rant (From Ep. 120 Nov. 11, 19). Brady still great, WNHL cancels season. Biff gives a thumbs up to Demon Slayer on Netflix, Jacques a thumbs up to The Boys on Amazon Prime.
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carnivalpodcast/
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
Opening Song: Gomer by Beyond Id
Closing Song: Scratch Tickets by My Brother Zebulon

Monday Feb 08, 2021
Sideshow# 62 - Dr. Ross Salawitch. He's Wicked Smaht, Kid.
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Dr. Ross Salawitch is a Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry at The University Of Maryland. He’s like our own Captain Planet. With President Biden instantly rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement, we thought talking with Ross, whose book, “Paris Climate Agreement: Beacon Of Hope” which is a road map of how to actually achieve the goals of the agreement would be a refreshing change of pace from Jacques’ fart jokes and Biff’s wildly inaccurate NHL predictions.
Download Dr. Salawitch’s book FOR FREE from Springer.com https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-46939-3
You can follow Dr. Salawitch on twitter: @Ross_Salawitch
Opening Song: Theme from Captain Planet Closing Song: Recess by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
And don’t forget … |

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Episode 167 Jews In Space ... With Lasers!
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
The Fraternal Order of FNH steps in to help right a wrong … How do you turn away a 95-year old WW2 hero showing up to get his Covid Vaccination? Easy, asked the clowns in Glendale AZ. Not on our watch! Jacques learns it’s GREAT to support artist you love during a pandemic maybe just read the fine print. Should we love Uber Eats and Progressive commercials THIS much? Mel Brooks gave us Jews In Space …GOP gave us Jews In Space … With Lasers! AOC is awesome. Biff updates us on crime wave (really?) in Japan and he breaks down his Superbowl pick. How much do you have to dumb down GameStop stock story for Jacques to get it and his thoughts on Kong v Godzilla (of course the 1962 version!). Closing Song “It’s So Hard To Be Like Jacques” Sebadoh parody by Jacques' friends (?) My Bro Zebulon circa 1994
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4
Jenny is 867-5309

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Sideshow #61 - Willie O'Ree
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Biff and Jacques chat the Great Willie O’Ree. The Bruins, a little late to the dance, are finally retiring Willie’s #22 he wore in 1958 when he broke the color barrier. Biff tells of a personal interaction with Willie in Santa Monica, CA a few years back. Biff also points out while Willie’s number being retired most likely was a positive step brought on by the BLM movement, the NHL has a long way to go to make their “Hockey Is For Everyone” program a true outreach.
We highly suggest following (and donating to:)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blackgirlshockey
CP: Twitter: https://twitter.com/carnivalpodcast