Jacques & Joe (in Boston) have been doing comedy stuff since 94. Jacques & Biff (LA by way of Toronto/Tokyo) been on hockey team since 96. Yap pop culture and have cool guest - comedians, respected authors, renown scientist & scholars, prominent music folks, tv/film makers and just cool friends.

Monday Dec 26, 2022
CP EP 212 - Ending The Year On A High-ish Note
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Monday Dec 26, 2022
Tis the season to gift wrap our last episode of the year … and with a real fan favorite … the return of the beloved self-indulgent theater with Joe singing The Kinks Father Christmas as Gilbert Gottfried (not a dry eye in the house!)
Jacques yaps his open mic follies, google worrying about his mental well-being and his son learning how heart breaking it is to care about watching sports!
Beside EVERYONE, who says the 1973 British movie The Wicker Man is better then the 36k budget VelociPastor … we chat both with equal passion!
Twitter imploding and NYPD evidence warehouse in flames … ain’t we lucky we got em’ … good times. CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray & Beyond Id
Closing Song: Enough For Everyone by Dan Cray & Beyond Id (Shitty recording from The Ratt in Boston 1996)

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Sideshow # 93 - Ones Gotta Go!
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
You only hurt the ones you love … so Joe, Biff and Jacques REALLY must love each other! In an episode where there is a lot of laughter … also a lot of excruciating “Sophie’s Choice” decisions. The guys play a game where they list (3) things they know one of the other loves and make them pick which one has to go … based on Jacques 12 year old while driving the other day asking Jacques to pick between Star Wars, DC Comics and Marvel Movies … Jacques had to pull over to give it real thought … and make his kid get out of the car and walk home!
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray & Beyond Id
Closing Song: Sober by Dan Cray & Beyond Id

Monday Dec 19, 2022
Sideshow # 93 - Ones Gotta Go!
Monday Dec 19, 2022
Monday Dec 19, 2022
You only hurt the ones you love … so Joe, Biff and Jacques REALLY must love each other! In an episode where there is a lot of laughter … also a lot of excruciating “Sophie’s Choice” decisions. The guys play a game where they list (3) things they know one of the other loves and make them pick which one has to go … based on Jacques 12 year old while driving the other day asking Jacques to pick between Star Wars, DC Comics and Marvel Movies … Jacques had to pull over to give it real thought … and make his kid get out of the car and walk home!
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray & Beyond Id
Closing Song: Sober by Dan Cray & Beyond Id

Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Monday Dec 12, 2022
Joe, Biff and Jacques chat some good stuff like SPIRITED the new instant classic Christmas special with Ryan Reynolds & Will Ferrell, Georgia Senator Warnock winning his 4th election in 2 years and Brittney Griner release (and all the racism the GQP could throw her way).
Jacques actually got a really honest to goodness phone book in the mail this week and also finding (much to Joe’s chagrin) the show breakdown and opening skit he was pitching local cable company when Joe mistakenly asked him about simply doing a podcast back in 2016!
Jacques chats his latest stand-up comedy follies, his uncle dying (who he was not close enough to, to know that he lost a lung in 1974 when he was shot by a cop running from a heist in Chelsea MA – True story).
Biff and Jacques get into it a bit over both thinking World Cup games ending on penalty kicks is stupid by Biff seeing them as a necessary evil.
Joe breaks down the new Nintendo Switch – Atari 50th Anniversary Celebration pack and a bit of a history lesson of just how shitty Atari was to the employees that built their empire.
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song (BOTH times, you’ll see) : Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Beyond Id’s cover of Dinosaur Jr’s Freak Scene (awful live 1991 recording from The Rat in Boston)

Monday Dec 05, 2022
CP Sideshow #92 - Kevin Conroy, THE Voice Of Batman
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Joe and Jacques chat the passing of Kevin Conroy aka THE voice of Batman.
Jacques is a HUGE fan of the ground-breaking show: Batman The Animated Series and the shows like Justice League and feature films like Mask Of The Phantasm that spun off of it.
Joe knows Conroy best from being the voice of Batman in the 3 Rock Steady Arkham games.
Fun chat about a guy who neither of us met but by all accounts was a really good dude and who brought a hell of a lot to Jacques’ beloved Batman universe.
CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Clip From: Nothing To Fear – Season One Episode 10 Batman The Animated Series
Closing Song: Danny Elfman’s Batman Theme from Batman 89 and BTAS

Monday Nov 28, 2022
CP EP 210 - Burlesque Show For Kids
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Biff, Joe and Jacques exchange Thanks Undocumented Europeans Genocide Of Natives Giving Day. Been a couple weeks and this is a long one so make a sandwich of the left overs and buckle in … or play at 1.5 or 2x speed.
Jacques following up last Pods chat of taking his sons (12/15) to a drag show with Grandma (Kinky Boots) to this week with Management taking their kids to a spectacular Nightmare Before Christmas Burlesque show featuring the amazing band Walter Sickert & The Army Of Broken Toys! Jacques also yaps his day trip to Oh Canada with his 12 years old – boarder and parking hick-ups - $300 of great candy – being able to eat McDs fries – hanging with friends there and the horror of store NOT selling Molson but stocked on PBR? WHAT?!
Joe chats new Xmas special “Spirited” (Ryan Reynolds/Will Ferrell) and how he no longer can watch Wonderful Life or Miracle on 34th Street with ANYONE he knows in the same zip code.
Biff breaks down some Japanese crime, some chop stick etiquette and fascination customs as well as a REAL parenting/life tip!
SOME world cup and sports talk … relax Jacques, no one is blaming YOU for Qatar’s human right awfulness.
Walter Sickert and Army Of Broken Toys –
Twitter and FB are @Armyoftoys
Instagram is @WalterSickert
CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Rinse and Spit by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Nov 14, 2022
CP EP 209 - Good Guys Won By Not Losing Too Bad ... I Guess.
Monday Nov 14, 2022
Monday Nov 14, 2022
So Dems hold Senate but (looks like) barely lost house … by still taking major victory lap for not losing too bad … I guess. Yep, could have been worse but some really awful POS still got re-elected and Biff and Jacques chat that.
Jacques’ Fox watching mom accidently took his 12-year-old to a drag musical and his managements (wife’s) year off following Duran Duran around the global ended with bitter sweet HOF induction show in LA (with horrible news about founding member Andy Taylor’s stage 4 cancer.)
Biff comes locked and loaded with Japan’s Bass Day history, a funny crime story and … why locked and loaded doesn’t happen much in Japan what with some few guns. (We smell a side show in the future).
Jacques LOVED Wakanda Forever but neither like the Boston Bruins signing (then unsigning) of a real piece of human garbage and wow … Elon is messing up twitter quicker then we all thought.
CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Capo/Lull by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Nov 07, 2022
CP Sideshow 91 - Comedian Jim Colliton aka JimWhat
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
30-year touring comedian Jim Colliton chats with Joe and Jacques about coming up as a comic in Boston in the 90s and life as a touring comic today. “You do the comedy for free but get paid to travel.” And Jim travels … monthly 2 shows a day 7 days a week on cruise ships!
Joe and Jacques saw Jim at Luna Theater (inside Mill 5 in Lowell) at Greg Boggis’ Mondo Comedy. His written bits killed and his crowd work slayed! Jim talks about developing those two skills, being a dad and advice to fledging comings getting started … you know … like Jacques.
And being a insanely small world … Jim and Jacques turns out not just went to Fitchburg State at same time … but in October of 1989 were both on ice together trying out for the college hockey team!
Jim is also a staple at the comedy clubs around New England, check his website, get off your ass and get to a show … you’ll thank us!
JIMWHAT.COM has all his dates and info
@JimWhat15 on Instagram
CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Mind Time by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Oct 31, 2022
CP EP 208 - News Flash: Elon’s A Douche
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Biff has grown up stuff to do today so poor Joe has to put up with Jacques’ ramblings by himself. Elon buys twitter and proves he is the d-bag we thought right out of the gate. IS next Tuesday the last somewhat legit electioons in USA history?
Joe and Jacques chat yet ANOTHER trip down the TV38 mid-80s rabbit hole that has become their happy place … Ask The Manager, We Don’t Knock. Jacques is going to try to track down Dana Hersey and get him on the podcast!
Some video game chat. A “real” parenting tip and more … oh …. Much much more.
CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Pepsi - Recorded Live at WMFO (Mikey Dee Show) circa 1994(95) by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Oct 24, 2022
Sideshow 90 - The Return Of Professor Cook!!
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Professor Cook joins us again and we make NO apologies for this being a god damn 2-hour chat about whether or not the Nov. 8th mid-Term elections will be the last semi-real elections we will ever have and DAMN IT I wish I was trying to be funny!
There is a chance we keep wanting Professor Cook on because it’s like we’re trying to get a free bachelor's degree in Civics. Truth be told … there is more thought that goes into these chats with the Professor then Jacques’ last 3 years at Fitchburg State … and he’s SOBER for these talks … so there is that.
We really love to make Professor Cook a 4th co-host! Or push him to have a podcast. Seriously these chats are therapy, informative and fun. I mean what’s not fun about the fall of Western Civilization, right? Right?????
Professor Cook is a MUST follow on Twitter at @ProfessorCook
CP on Twitter: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Last Row Live at WMFO (Mikey Dee Show) circa 1994(95) by Dan Cray and Beyond Id