Jacques & Joe (in Boston) have been doing comedy stuff since 94. Jacques & Biff (LA by way of Toronto/Tokyo) been on hockey team since 96. Yap pop culture and have cool guest - comedians, respected authors, renown scientist & scholars, prominent music folks, tv/film makers and just cool friends.

Monday Mar 06, 2023
CPP Ep. 217 - Here A Dog, There A Dog, Everywhere A Dog, Dog … Seriously!
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Monday Mar 06, 2023
Jacques family adopts a dog they were fostering, Biff family then adopts a rescue dog from LA shelter, so Jacques’ family then fosters a dog that had 8 puppies on Valentine’s day. So, Jacques wins … WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!? Jacques and his 15-year-old get stuck driving in a blizzard on way to NYC … and on way home his son got stuck in a blizzard of stand-up comedy, getting up on stage at a real life comedy club ABSOLUTLY COLD and loving it! Then got up just a couple days later at other show. Joe is settling into the new digs and working on the NEW-Seum (Loseum 2.0) Is the highlight of this episode a “Self-Indulgent Theater” from 3/9/20 Ep. 132 - Joe doing The Beverly HillBillies” Theme as sung by John Oliver? Yes. Yes it is! We chat FAKE Ed Sheeran conning churches out of $35 dollars and free sandwich, Japanese former boyband stars trouble with law (and magnificent hair) and is paying for upgrades for in-game weapons cheating cause you used money from a reel job to do so vs. “Grinding” for 100 hours playing? Biff is on Bruins bandwagon … well at least agrees they are a force of nature right now! CPP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Tear Stain Eyes by Dan Cray and Beyond Id (NOTE: recorded on a boom box about 3 months after Dan and Jacques when they were 19 year old BABY FACED BABIES (and ugh … PJ Nicholes … who was also baby faced) meet and decided to be a band … we’ll Dan and Jacques did (having never played before… that’s a sideshow that is coming but how PJ got in mix … still not sure )

Monday Feb 27, 2023
CPP SideShow # 98 - Comedian and Tahoe Enthusiast, PRAISE EJ!
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
Comic Praise EJ talks about moving north from Tampa to Lawrence Mass and DAMN it’s cold here!
Praise likes to make folks think AND feel a bit uncomfortable as he makes them laugh. It’s something Jacques gotten to see in person a couple dozen times.
Praise has also hosted mics and talks about what a different comedy muscle group that is all together.
A really fun chat with a really funny guy who is just that one lucky break away from being someone we can say … we knew him when!
Find Praise on IG: @IamPraiseWorthy
CPP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Clowns by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Feb 20, 2023
CPP EP 216 - Presidents Dad CPP Sale Price – Free
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Monday Feb 20, 2023
Biff, Joe and Jacques only covered half the stuff on the run down but yet went over an hour … well, Jacques did!
Jacques has a big stand up show THIS Thursday (Feb. 23, 23) at Luna Theater Lowell MA … Jacques’ also going to UMass-Lowell this week … to be part of focus group for 3 hours for National Grid … I don’t wanna say how much I’m making … let’s just say it’s a lot (Navin R. Johnson)
Jacques also talked taking his son on a fieldtrip to a Pro Sports Game-Ops Symposium/Job Fair at Worcester State Univ. hosted by Woo Bravehearts and Jacques pal Donny (Donny, the ONLY ex Mass Pirates co-worker NOT yet to come on podcast!) Jacques talked about tearing up seeing Donny speak and flexing in front of his kid.
Joe … gave us not one but TWO Self Indulgent Theaters (if you count the hysterical rant to end the show … and WE do!)
Biff chats the paper a Japanese National Yale professor put out advocating for old folks in Japan to kill themselves to help the economy. Spoiler Alert: Biff DOES NOT agree!!!
Superbowl commercials, Star Wars Night at UMass Lowell hockey game, I-Spy with my little eye … from camera inside Spy Balloon and Parenting Tips. Oh Boy. CPP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Gomer (full song) by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Feb 13, 2023
CP Sideshow# 97 - Funny Guy Mike DuPont
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
NOTHING says love like the gift of laughter … so as a Valentine Present to our listener … no “s” … Biff and Jacques talk to funny guy, stand-up comic Mike DuPont.
Jacques met Mike a few months back on the harsh open mic circuit. Mike’s comedy and personality stood out. He’s genuinely someone Jacques is always happy to see perform at the same hole in wall bar on a school night!
Mike had a colorful path to comedy that shapes his humor in all the best ways. Mike gave us a couple of Jacques favorite bits of his to start and end the episode!
Mike is quickly making a name for himself in the very competitive, densely (over) populated New England comedy scene. Jacques thinks we could see a half hour – 45 minute special from Mike sometime in 2023!
Follow Mike at IG @mikeduponthahaloljk CPP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Laid by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Feb 06, 2023
CP EP. 215 - Call Me Ahad – The Saga of A Whale Of A Vending Machine
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
With Joe SADLY packing the Luseum for his move, Biff and Jacques have a crappy talk about Jacques upcoming colonoscopy and the FOUR Biff’s had! What!?
Balloon Boy Part Two – The Chines Sequel … as recording started news broke of the spy balloon that was spotted drifting over Montana, where Jacques knows first-hand of Nuke silos from his time spent in the hills of Belt MT! No, seriously.
Jacques chats being on comic/porn actress/friend of our podcast, podcast Hello Cougar this week and brings all up to speed on his sludge through open mic land which this week brought him to a mostly 20something gay mic in Somerville!
Jacques started and finished Breaking Bad in a week … LOVED IT and his 15-year old whose been dying for Jacques to watch it got some quality time in together bonding over meth!
Call him Ahad - Biff breaks down the Whale Meat Vending machine saga back in his homeland and gives us a snapshot of Whaling in general … Whale meat was a staple in school lunches growing up for Biff.
What will Biff do with no NHL this week. Brady retired ... yeah, right!
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gommer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Wedding Present by Dan Cray and Beyond Id

Monday Jan 30, 2023
CP Sideshow # 96 - Mike ”Mr. Catalog A&R” Ragogna
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Monday Jan 30, 2023
Jacques & long-time pal Mike Ragogna chat about their years of working together (Mike was A&R executive at Universal Music Group and then Capitol Records). With no Biff and Joe to keep the guard rails up … Jacques (whose audio is HORRIBLE on this one) rambles more than usual. You’ve been warned!
Mike & Jacques worked on DOZENS of amazing music DVD projects together and it was Mike doing that lead to Jacques being Billy Ray Cyrus quasi-manager and producing a half dozen of his videos, two TV specials, a TV pilot and DOZENS of NFL/NASCAR anthems/concerts.
The two talk Mike’s career as a singer/song writer starting in Mike’s teen-years (his first break writing and singing on Marvel Comic Records themed Spider-Man album. Mike song “Peter Stays And Spidy Goes” is a well know anthem in the 70s SpiderVerse. SADLY Joe wasn’t here talk about Mike singing on the 1984 Atari Pole Position Commercial!
Mike and Jacques give shout outs to many “unindicted co-conspirators” they’ve got to meet along the way… Like Joni Mitchell and music exec legend Bob Mercer… No .. not kidding.
Mike and Jacques relationships has survived trying times … like the time Mike picked Jacques up to drive 8 hours to Phoenix where Jacques booked Mike to do an anthem with the NHL Coyotes … sounds great but Mike got to Jacques’ house moments after the NE Patriots suffered one of worse losses in the Brady Era and Jacques was in a horrible mood and didn't take to Mike the entire ride … THEN … Jacques snoring lead to Mike having to get another room in the middle of the night!
Mike on Twitter is: @Ragz2008CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Clark and Bruce by Mike Ragogna
Closing Song: Waiting For The Plane To Land by Mike Ragogna
Other Music on this Episode: Peter Stays and Spidy Goes By Mike Ragogna
1984 – Atari Video Game Pole Position Commercial (feat. Mike Ragogna)

Monday Jan 23, 2023
CP EP. 214 - The MUC Thanks The Love Boat
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
With Joe doing grown up things it’s just Biff and Jacques (and his worse then usual audio) yapping.
Big shout out (and apology) to our pal Dave at Complaints and Observations Podcast … he gave out his number to leave messages and Jacques … did.
Another podcast, another mass shooting … this one really close to Biff in LA and in a VERY Asian area. UGH.
Jacques updates on the grind that is open mic stand up and the way to often white guys punching down and being gross in 2023. Jacques also started his JTF Hockey Tournament in May yearly work out regime … and has goals of NOT sucking this year in Phoenix!
Biff’s This Week In Crime In Japan clip PLAYED … 9th grader commits murder over cell phone use … ssssoooo fun story? Ugh.
The new House session begins with the shit show expected and no end of the shit show in sight … buckle up!
HIGHLIGHT … A Joe’s Self-Indulgent Theater from Ep. 116 (10/7/19) a Don Adams/Don Knotts mash-up/duet of Ice Ice Baby the highlight … YES! YOU’RE WELCOME!
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: Gommer by Dan Cray and Beyond Id
Closing Song: Hook Shot by Fivehead (Twitter @wykydseptyr )

Monday Jan 16, 2023
CP Sideshow #95 - Do ”THEY” Walk Among Us?
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Upon Jacques request, Biff and Joe put on tin-foil hats like his and they take turns playing Art Bell and chat their thoughts on UFO, Time Travel, What In Science Fiction becomes Science Fact over next few hundred years … and everything else covered by “In Search Of” in the 1970s!
A fun yap feast where if you’re still listening to this podcast after hearing this one … that’s on you!
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is: @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: In Search Of (1970'sTV Theme Song)
Closing Song: 12 Dirty Cabana’s and Me by My Brother Zebulon (1992-ish: Twitter @wykydseptyr and @RodMurphy011 )

Monday Jan 09, 2023
CP EP 213 - New Year. Same Silliness
Monday Jan 09, 2023
Monday Jan 09, 2023
The lads start the New Year right where they left off … talking about everything and nothing all at once.
Jacques brings everyone up to date on his mid-life crisis of starting a stand-up career in his 50s … what? And how his families over the top season yard décor brings happiness to passers-by and gifts of skeleton dogs and Vultures to them.
Say it Ain’t So Joe … Joe’s family preps for a move across town thus bringing an end to where CP all started – Joe’s vaulted “LOSEUM”. Pour one out for “Random Video Game Reviews” from the past.
Biff talks about getting high score on the game of Excel Spreadsheets as his current work project barely gives him time to breathe and get to Friday Night Hockey (FNH) on time.
Greta Thunberg MURDERS Andrew Tate … on Twitter. Southwest MURDERS their reputation (which was iffy at best to begin with) and the GQP’s Sedition Caucus MURDERED what little dignity Kevin McCarthy had.
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast
Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey
Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber
Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: WKRP parody by @Model_CHP3Y (Twitter and Youtube)
Closing Song: Three Plus Minutes by Fivehead (Twitter @wykydseptyr )

Monday Jan 02, 2023
CP Sideshow# 94 - Settin
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Monday Jan 02, 2023
Because Biff is a real grown-up with a real job … he can’t come out an play … so it’s just Joe and Jacques chatting what they HOPE they accomplish and what they think holds instore for themselves and the world for the year 2023.
Will Brady come back to the Patriots? Will Jacques move back to Los Angeles … will his family find him if he does.
How many Rez Evil reboots and TV reboots come out? Will Jacques love every new Star Wars and MCU project (pretty sure the answer is yes!) Will DC stop shooting itself in the foot (pretty sure the answer is sadly NO.)
A tiny look back at the AMAZING guest CP tricked into coming on the podcast in 2022 and looking forward to possible guest and a spin-off(?) in 2023!
CP on Twitter and Instagram: @CarnivalPodcast Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)
Opening Song: WKRP parody by @Model_CHP3Y (Twitter and Youtube)
Closing Song: Rinse and Spit by Dan Cray & Beyond Id